How do you get what you want?

We have two dogs at home and they are pretty good at getting what they want. They get food, pats, play, fresh bones and walks. They never are aggressive and always loving. It does not matter what happens, they are happy to see you. They gently use love, cuteness and persuasion to get their way.… … Read more

Good Things Come Back to Us


Let me tell you what God did last night at Medieval Times. I’m not the kind of person who likes to buy things for himself. But last night I started looking at swords and my wife, Melissa offered to purchase one for me (she’s awesome). I’m guessing since you must be 18 to buy a sword, and the cashier looked younger than 18, she had to get the manager to complete the transaction.

As we began the transaction I thought about how I’d like to ask the manager for a discount. At that moment a woman with two kids interrupted us and said she needed to return an item (a pink sparkly princess veil) because she didn’t have enough for the cab. Melissa asked how much the veil cost and we were moved by the Spirit to purchase the veil for $10 so the little girl wouldn’t be sad and the family could get home. The woman was surprised and said “God bless you and thank you”.

When the woman and her children turned to leave the manager returned the blessing. He said “that was a great thing you did and since you helped them, I will take $45 off your sword.” I was floored. The Manager went on to say “that’s how it is. When we give and do good things for others it always comes back to us at some point.” Because of our obedience in that moment God provided the discount I desired. A $10 seed reaped a $45 harvest.

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38 NKJV)

Successful Choices


Today, I’d like to share a guest post from my lovely wife, Melissa Manuel.

#Success tip series… An officer standing just outside Dave & Busters in Marietta,GA shared this uhhhh…Public Service Announcement?” I was inspired… after all, he was promoting an important element of success…making good choices. So many times in life’s situations we don’t count the costs before making decisions that may change the trajectory of our personal life and/or career. If you are currently faced with a potentially life-altering decision, push ego aside and thoughtfully consider the long-term consequences; both good and bad. You probably shouldn’t write it on your car though 🙂 think.create.breathe.repeat…MBM


Hello everyone. On Saturday, May 25th I had emergency gall bladder surgery. I’m doing well and resting comfortably at home. I will not write on a regular schedule during my recovery the next few weeks. If you have any ideas regarding future topics please let me know.