Reclaiming the Moral High Ground

Our county is once again mourning the loss of multiple lives at the hands of misguided individuals. We are at a moral crossroad that must be navigated with care. We can either abandon the truth and retreat deeper into apathy, or we can reclaim the moral high ground and revitalize our community. I’d like to … Read more

Using Empathy: How to Help Members Return to Church

As churches look to recover from the separation caused by the pandemic, many pastors have lamented their poor church attendance. I’ve heard pastors say things like “we’re back open but we only have a few people each week.” Some have said “our members won’t come to church but I see them everywhere else.” I’ve considered … Read more

7 ways to be effective in the decentralized church.

The church has become decentralized. It is not focused on the church building any longer. Many pastors have expressed joy when reopening their buildings and sadness at the lack of attendance. Also, church isn’t focused on the 11:00 hour anymore as people engage with the church digitally at the times that fit their lifestyle. The … Read more

7 Steps to Evaluate Post Pandemic Ministry

Things have changed in our churches and may never really go back to pre-pandemic standards. Sunday schools, missionary ministries, and special services may not survive the pandemic. Youth and children’s ministries will be unrecognizable as we adjust to new social norms. Small group teaching ministries and community fellowship gatherings may die out because of a … Read more

Communicating In A Crisis

The final point in my sermon this week was “Communicate Everything”. During that point, I explained how Nehemiah made communication a priority during a crisis. There’s a story I wanted to share but the Lord didn’t lead me to share it at that time. So I’ve decided to share it now to emphasize the value … Read more

Ministry in the Present Age

Times have changed. We are living in a new age of information and influence. To be effective in ministry in this present age, we must learn from the examples of those who were leading the church in an unchurched world. With this in mind, I’d like to share a few thoughts with you from Paul’s … Read more

3 Critical Questions for Your Ministry

In the book of Galatians, the Apostle Paul takes time to validate his apostleship. You see, unlike the other apostles who walked with Jesus during his earthly ministry, Paul only encountered the risen savior on the road to Damascus. As a result, the people in Galatia were more impressed with the other apostles than they … Read more

Four Communication Principles for Leaders

The best leaders communicate well with their teams. The Apostle Paul, writer of 13 books of the New Testament, used letters to keep followers on track spiritually and connected to his ministry. I’d like to share some communication principles from Paul’s example that every leader can apply for immediate results. Let’s look at 2 Corinthians … Read more


This morning I read an article about a new social media hashtag called #ChurchToo. You can read the article here: Before I jump into this post, I’d like to explain hashtags to those who are not familiar with them. Hashtags are made up of the # symbol and words or phrases that can be searched … Read more

Hurricane Preparations for Pastors

This is a busy hurricane season. Hurricane Harvey has flooded the 4th largest city in America and hurricane Irma is currently making landfall in Florida and other Southeastern states. As pastors, we may feel the call to make a response. We may also feel the need to encourage our people as they wrestle with the … Read more