Loving Changes

“For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.” (2 Corinthians 7:10 NKJV) Real, lasting changes in our lives usually begin with some sort of stimulant. There may be an event that occurred, a conversation, or certain consequences that will either challenge or inspire … Read more

The Modern Wife

Guest Blogger: My wife, Melissa Manuel I was inspired! My husband began his post with “So what exactly is a husband?” So, naturally I must begin with  “So what exactly is a wife? Although I am learning more each day, I will share my thoughts. Today, our society is inundated with commercialism that portrays the wife’s … Read more

Fool’s Gold

The mineral pyrite looks a lot like gold. It’s almost the same color and it’s metallic in appearance. It has been given the nickname “Fool’s Gold” indicating if you’re digging for gold and find pyrite, you could be fooled into thinking you’re rich when you’re not. “Fool’s Gold” just doesn’t have the same value or … Read more