Is your church malnourished?

In January, I was blessed with an opportunity to visit the CURE Childrens Hospital in Niamey, Niger, Africa. While there I learned the hospital had several children who were awaiting surgery while the hospital staff increased their nutritional levels. You see, many of the hospital patients come from remote villages where food is scarce. Some … Read more


This morning I read an article about a new social media hashtag called #ChurchToo. You can read the article here: Before I jump into this post, I’d like to explain hashtags to those who are not familiar with them. Hashtags are made up of the # symbol and words or phrases that can be searched … Read more

Sermon theme tips

This month I will be preaching a series entitled “Identity In Christ” taken from Ephesians 1:1-14. We have video screens at our church and software that will allow us to use PowerPoint slides as an aid help people visualize sermon concepts. So each sermon series has a theme image that is displayed on the screens, … Read more

Is your sermon series healthy?

Here is the one question in the Sermon Series Development Worksheet from my book Sermon Series Preaching that keeps me grounded:  “How will this series affect the spiritual health of the church?” At the end of the day, every sermon series and every sermon will affect the spiritual health of the church. Their development is … Read more

Hurricane Preparations for Pastors

This is a busy hurricane season. Hurricane Harvey has flooded the 4th largest city in America and hurricane Irma is currently making landfall in Florida and other Southeastern states. As pastors, we may feel the call to make a response. We may also feel the need to encourage our people as they wrestle with the … Read more

Melissa’s Quick Tip

Hello Everyone, Yesterday, my amazing, beautiful, intelligent, sweet, loving wife Melissa shared a relationship tip for couples. I’d like to share it with you.  “Hi friends, I’m wishing you all a beautiful Wednesday!  Here’s a quick tip I’ve learned from 21 years of marriage: Relationships aren’t something you treat with passivity. You have to work … Read more

Date night!

It’s date night for me. But before I enjoy a movie, popcorn, and snuggling with my boo, I want to encourage busy pastors to love their wives.  “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,” Ephesians‬ ‭5:25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ As pastors we must remember Christ loves the church … Read more

The mobile prayer closet

Early in my ministry, my pastor, H. Frank Centrallo, shared a valuable tip with me. He said he maximized his time by using his car like a mobile prayer closet. During commutes to and from his various appointments, Pastor Centrallo would play relaxing music, pray, and meditate on upcoming sermon concepts. Once he returned home, … Read more