On A Mission

NigerHave you ever travel to another country? I’m traveling to Niger, Africa in January 2016 on a mission. It will be my first time traveling out of the country so I’ve decided to let you in on my journey.

Let’s be clear; I’m talking about Niger, not Nigeria. Niger is one of the top five poorest countries in the world. Repeated famine, disease, and war have left the country devastated. Only about 2 out of every 5 children reach adulthood and many areas of Niger are classified as “Fourth World”.

So, why am I going on a mission to Niger? I’m glad you asked. I was encouraged to go on this mission by my friend, Theron Nixon. Upon returning from his mission to Niger last year, he invited me to a follow up meeting where I heard about the work God was doing through missionaries in that country. Here is the compelling reason that resonates with me. In Niger there is an opportunity to win the nation for Jesus Christ. At this time, Niger isn’t “closed” to the gospel. By telling God’s story and showing His love through the building of schools, digging of wells, providing medical treatment, and nutrition assistance, we win the right to be heard.

What exactly do I expect get out of going to Niger? Good question. Personally, I want to go to Niger to broaden my ministry perspective. I want to see the world through fresh eyes. I want to see a ministry that is impacting lives and learn how to do the same in the community where God has planted me. I believe this mission will make me a better pastor and community leader. Ultimately, I want to make this mission opportunity a reality for others in our church.

How can you get involved? I need your prayers and support. Pray for the success of the mission and our safety. Pray that our group of 14 missionaries will have a life changing encounter with God. Additionally, if you’re able to provide some financial support, it would be greatly appreciated. You can learn more about the mission and make a donation here: http://www.greaterfriendship.com/mission-to-niger.html .

0 thoughts on “On A Mission”

  1. Pastor Manuel I am glad to hear of your journey, and I will certainly pray for you and the missionaries that will be joining you. And we shall offer our financial support. Sincerely, The Family.😊😊


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