My First Lent


For years my mother has celebrated Lent, the season of prayer, fasting, and consecration leading up to Easter. Each year I watched her offer up to God things like sweets, fried foods, and sodas. She is always dedicated and believes her fasting truly brings her closer to God. This year, I’m celebrating Lent for the first time along with our church family. But you know what I’ve noticed? Mom was right. As Lent progresses, I’m getting closer to God, and I want to sacrifice even more. 

“that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,” Philippians 3:10 (NKJV)

I believe this Easter will be significant in my life because my awareness of God is being increased each day of Lent. I’m being drawn in to the “fellowship of His sufferings” and I’m being lifted by the “power of His resurrection”. My eyes are being opened and I can see Jesus more clearly. His life, death, burial, and resurrection are becoming more personal to me.  

If you have never participated in Lent, I invite you to join with me in prayer, fasting, and consecration. There are resources like the 40 day reading plan and a link to a guide for fasting here to get you started: . Don’t worry about any days you’ve missed. Start reading John 1-5 today. Pray and let God lead you to determine what foods and/or habits you will sacrifice to God for Lent. In the end, I believe you will know Him like never before.

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