Don’t Wait too Late

Yesterday was Independence Day and my wife and I decided to go see the parade in our city. On the way there we stopped and got tacos then used the GPS to find out where to go. It just so happened that we found a parking space about 75 feet away facing the parade route. The parade had already started so we sat in our truck watching the floats go by while eating our tacos. When we finished our tacos we decided to get out and walk down to enjoy the full parade experience. Honestly, we wanted to go compete with the little kids to see who could catch the most candy. So we got out of the truck and to our surprise people from the street started walking toward us. The parade was over. 

but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, (Hebrews 3:13, 14 NKJV)
Here’s a thought: Don’t wait until the parade is over to get the full experience God has planned for your life. While you have the opportunity, go ahead and start making the changes he has revealed to improve the quality of your life. Becoming who God wants you to be is not an overnight process but you do have to start somewhere. Put down your tacos and step away from the chalupas! What I mean is kick your habits, make positive choices, pray more, engage God’s word, take steps in a new direction, and soak in the full experience of faith. Don’t miss the parade of God’s grace because you waited too late to step out.
What barriers are hindering you from getting the full experience of God’s grace?   

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