Leading With Excellence

“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” (John 6:9 NKJV)

My cousin, Anthony Bishop, can bake. I tend to rate cakes on a scale of 1 to Tony. Seriously, his red velvet will make your tongue reach into your skull and slap your brain. Even though he uses the same average ingredients as other bakers, he still achieves a high level of excellence that is apparent to anyone who tastes his cakes. 

Often in leadership we have certain constraints to work with due to budget limitations, quality of resources, personnel, timing, or circumstances. Regardless of the constraints relative excellence can still be achieved when we create a working culture where every team member does the best they can with what they have. 

Even though Jesus was working with a child’s sack lunch (average quality) he still led his team to feed more than 5000 people with a level of excellence worthy of the Son of God. 

What level of excellence are you seeking to achieve?

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