Efficient Leadership

“Then Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.” (John 6:10, 12 NKJV)”

Early in our marriage I tried to help my wife, Melissa, clean house. I had plenty of willpower but I didn’t have a plan. I was all over the place, moving from room to room, and getting poor results. My efforts were not very efficient and took all day.

Melissa noticed my dilemma and suggested I stay in one room to clean. She suggested I do the bigger more obvious things first and then work on the smaller details second. Thanks to her advice my efforts were more efficient, with no wasted effort. Cleaning became more enjoyable for me because I could visibly see progress as I completed my tasks in a given room.

Jesus shows us in his example how important efficiency can be in leading ministry. He had one lunch and twelve workers, but he also had five thousand men, not including women and children to feed, on a hill side with no facilities or utensils.

His plan was brilliant and efficient:
Sit the men down, which would also encourage others to do the same.
Distribute the food one time allowing the crowd to get their fill.
Gather up the fragments so none is wasted.

In the end the experience was enjoyable for the crowd as well as the disciples who served them. The disciples’ efforts weren’t scattered. The enthusiasm of the crowd wasn’t diminished due to hunger. The resources in the form of food weren’t wasted.

How can efficient leadership help your ministry or organization?

0 thoughts on “Efficient Leadership”

  1. I know what you are talking about. Before my uncle Maxie died, I would go to he doctor with him. He would get so frustrated I had to think of a way to keep him come. What I had to do was take him for a smoke walk and stop so he could talk to other Veterans. In the process I had the privilehed to talk to those Veteran’s. It was a wonderful experience. I didn’t know how to study my bible and with the teaching from my son Rev.Manuel I learned. It has brought me so much joy.


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