Simple Directions

My mother-in-law and I were traveling to an appointment in another city. We decided to use my wife’s new GPS. The firm female voice of the GPS said things like “get in the right lane and prepare to turn right in 1 mile”. Her commands were not optional and at times she was almost annoying, but I put my trust in her because she knew the way better than we did.

Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? (Matthew 22:35, 36 NKJV)

Sometimes when we look at the Bible, all we see are Commandments that tell us what to do and what not to do. Frankly speaking, many of us dont like it.

How about a simpler approach to the commands of the Bible: Each command is given to help us steer our lives to God. If we accept His gift of salvation, and follow His commandments, we will reach our destination in heaven with fewer complications.

We won’t drive our lives miles out of the way to find joy and happiness. We won’t veer our morality off into a roadside ditch. We won’t burn out while circling the block of our mistakes. Moment by moment, turn by turn, our obedience will help us get home.

0 thoughts on “Simple Directions”

  1. A lot of us do not want to except God gift of Salvation. We don’t want to change our way of living.
    If you except is gift of salvation your life will be richer. God will open doors and blessings that you fill that you are not worthy of.


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