Sweep the Path


So the Lord said to him, “Arise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he is praying. And in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him, so that he might receive his sight.” (Acts 9:11, 12 NKJV)

Jesus was sending Ananias to meet with Saul who had a reputation for persecuting Christians. The Lord told Ananias he had already shown Saul a vision, revealing he was coming to restore his sight. By doing this, Jesus swept a clear path for Ananias to interact with Saul. 

Leaders today must also be sure to sweep the path for those in their organization. You see, sometimes we delegate tasks for our team members to interact with people in other departments. People from other departments may not respect or be as helpful to our team members as they would be for us as leaders. 

When this happens our team members may have a tough time fulfilling their delegated tasks. They may be frustrated and get a negative impression of the department or individuals who made things difficult for them. In the worst case, they may be denied and have to explain to their leader why they failed to complete their assignment. 

To ensure a smooth transaction, we leaders need to make a quick phone call or send an email informing the other department that our team member is on the way. This simple act can remove barriers, neutralize gate keepers, and lend our credibility to our team members.

0 thoughts on “Sweep the Path”

  1. Amen!!!. If they don’t let the other department know that you are coming, people to get defensive because they think you are trying to take their job. That is not the case. All you want is some information to help you to accomplish your task that has been assigned to you. Less stress when they call ahead and let them know you are coming just for information.


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