Prepared for Success

It was fifteen years ago that I began to serve as an Associate Minister under the leadership of Reverend H. Frank Centrallo. After some preliminary conversations where he assessed my abilities, he mapped my plan of development with the following statement.

“Domecia, you’re pretty proficient in your knowledge of scripture so I won’t be teaching you scripture. Instead, I’m gonna teach you how to minister in the church and deal with church life.”

Looking back, I know this was the perfect plan for me. I’d spent years doing campus ministry but had little experience with the established church. Reverend Centrallo had plans to put me to work in various capacities in the church but he knew I needed to be equipped. by doing so he was protecting the church from the needless mistakes I would make and he was protecting my heart by setting me up for ministry success. I thank God for the countless conversations and lessons learned through our relationship. 

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10 NKJV)

As leaders we must be deliberate in our efforts to develop our teams. Just as God creates us in Christ to perform good works he has prepared for us, we too must shape, mold, empower, and equip our people for success. If we fail to properly develop those who serve in our organizations their actions could be detrimental to overall success and cause their personal morale to slide. 

Ultimately as a leader it is your responsibility prepare your people for their tasks and your opportunity to participate with God in the work of making them better. For each position and person you lead identify their developmental needs. Those needs may be centered on what they know, how they perform, or where they’re positioned within the organization. Engage them with an attitude that genuinely cares for their personal success. In the end their success will contribute to organizational success. 

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