Love and Conflict

The single greatest conflict in the history of the world is the conflict between humanity and God. When Adam and Eve failed to follow God’s commands they committed what is called sin (missing the mark). As a result, they were cursed with death and banished from the Garden of Eden. Since that time, every descendant of Adam and Eve, every person born in this world, has a sinful nature (see Romans 3:23).

We are born with the capacity to commit any sin imaginable. It’s in our DNA. If you doubt what I’m saying, consider the toddler who takes toys from others who aren’t looking (stealing), or who’s face is covered in chocolate as he says he didn’t take the cookie (lying). That child hasn’t reached an age of comprehension just yet and their nature is in its purest state (see Proverbs 20:11).
This sin nature puts humanity in direct conflict with God who demands we live according to his law of holiness. The bible even calls us enemies of God ( see Romans 5:10). The end result of this conflict between people and God is eternal death (see Romans 6:23). 
To resolve this conflict between God and humanity, God used his great love.

“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),” (Ephesians 2:4, 5 NKJV)

Even though we were guilty, deserving of wrath, and already condemned to death for breaking God’s law (see John 3:16-18), God’s great love was the motivator for resolving our conflict.  His love sacrificed Jesus on our behalf so we could be made alive and reconciled to himself.

When we seek to resolve conflicts with others we need to check our motives. If we are motivated to prove how right we are we’re also proving how wrong others are. Of we are motivated to get our feelings appeased, we are selfish and only taking something away from the conflict without giving anything to help resolve the conflict. If we are motivated to protect our self image we are automatically devaluing the self image of others.

God has shown us the best motivator; love. Love covers a multitude of sins (see 1 Peter 4:8). We should love others enough to want what’s best for them regardless of what they’ve said or done. We should love them enough to make sacrifices for the sake of resolution. If you believe your conflicts are beyond resolution it’s time to step up your love game. Love those who are in conflict with you with the love of God. Even if your heart is bleeding inside because of the hurt you feel, make sacrifices for the sake of your relationship.

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15:13″ NKJV)

What are some challenges you face in resolving conflicts? How can love help you overcome those challenges? Leave a reply.

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