Fool’s Gold

The mineral pyrite looks a lot like gold. It’s almost the same color and it’s metallic in appearance. It has been given the nickname “Fool’s Gold” indicating if you’re digging for gold and find pyrite, you could be fooled into thinking you’re rich when you’re not. “Fool’s Gold” just doesn’t have the same value or worth as actual gold.
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord.” (Proverbs 18:22 NKJV)
If you’re looking for a mate, it’s important to know the difference between what God desires for you, and the less favorable alternative. The man who finds a “wife” finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Which means anything other than a woman who is prepared by God to be a wife is like “Fool’s Gold”. She may be shiny and attractive, but her ability to help you obtain God’s favor isn’t as valuable.
Also ladies, if you’ve prepared yourself to be God’s “good thing” for the man he’s prepared to obtain favor from God through you, it would be best to identify the man who is looking to find a wife. The metallic finish of a man with a good job, nice car, who takes you places and buys things for you, still isn’t enough to put your life in line for God’s favor if he isn’t looking for a wife. Anything other than a man after God’s own heart who is seeking the wife God prepares for him is just “Fools Gold”.

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