My Own

When our kids were smaller, specifically when Faith Marie was around two, her big brother DeVonti had a toy siren whistle. It was a small plastic cone with a fan inside. When the whistle was blown the fan would turn and make a fun siren sound. Faith saw her brother having such a great time with his cool toy, and she just had to try it for herself. So she came to my wife and I and said “I want My Own.” We asked “your own what?” She said “My Own!”, as if it was the actual name of the toy.


DeVonti is a born giver and was willing to share with his little sister. So we offered to wash the whistle and let her give it a try. Faith protested ” I want My Own!” she didn’t know what it was and we didn’t know what to call it but Faith named it “My Own” because she wanted something that belonged exclusively to her that would allow her to join in the fun her brother was having.

 Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. (Matthew 22:36, 37 NKJV)

God loves us and wants us to be in a relationship with Him. He wants us to be “His Own”! God loves us and He sent His Son, Jesus, to die and reconcile the world back to Himself as His own children. At the same time, God wants the love to be mutual. We are commanded to love the Lord “Our God” with all we have. He is My Own and Your Own. Each of us can have an exclusive relationship with our very own God who loves and cares about us deeply.

0 thoughts on “My Own”

  1. I remember that little face and her determination to have her “Own” like it was yesterday! This illustration is a great example of God’s tenacious pursuit to have us as His own! Well said.

  2. Faith takes after her father. You were the same when you were small. You felt that what ever your uncle Dana and Shun did or had you wanted your own. As you growed you learned that God wanted you as His own. Now your children is learning the same. I pray that the world learns that God want us as His own.


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